[AWARDS] moveDC – APA 2015 National Planning Excellence Award

Award-Winning Project Uses MetroQuest to Engage Their Community
By 2040, the District of Columbia is projected to have more than 900,000 residents and 1 million jobs. moveDC, the District’s Multimodal Long-Range Transportation Plan, is a blueprint for how the district can support tremendous growth through investments in all modes of transportation including transit, biking, walking, and driving.
The American Planning Association bestowed the honor of the 2015 National Planning Excellence Award for Transportation Planning on the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) for moveDC. MetroQuest was honored to support Kimley-Horn’s engagement process for the moveDC initiative, engaging thousands of people across all eight wards of the district. By involving the public in such large numbers with an educational survey, the DDOT gained informed insight from their constituents and built community support for future projects that will be critical to the sustainable growth of the DC area.
Read more about the award here, and see the project site here.
About MetroQuest
MetroQuest is public involvement software with a track record of award-winning planning projects. Agencies of all sizes trust MetroQuest to engage thousands and collect informed community input to support their plans.