Learn how Maryland DOT is involving 1000s on a full range of public outreach projects!
Transit, LRTPs, shared mobility, ride hailing, electric and autonomous vehicles … these are complicated topics. How do we involve the public for meaningful input? Maryland DOT has cracked the code! Watch this on-demand webinar to learn how to educate and engage 1000s online for every project.
Michelle Martin, MDOT Assistant Director, explains how MDOT engaged nearly 6000 residents across the state to gain clarity on public priorities for the 2040 Maryland Transportation Plan. She then shares how 2600 people helped allocate new investments for the Central Maryland Transit Plan.
How can you do the same? Susan Sharp and Emily Aro from Sharp & Co show you how to get sophisticated with social media to engage 1000s across all age groups, genders, and geographic areas.
These speakers are guaranteed to spark your curiosity. Watch this on-demand webinar today!
Watch this complimentary 1-hour webinar for proven ways to:
“The presentation was really well put together. I really enjoy when a presenter is able to get to the key takeaway first then dive into the specifics of that takeaway. Well done.”
“Great suggestions for thinking outside the box when it comes to public engagement.”
“This was a very helpful and insightful presentation. It provided good evidence on the effectiveness of online community engagement.”
Michelle Martin
Assistant Director for the Office of Planning and Capital Programming, Maryland Department of Transportation
Michelle has led multi-disciplinary teams on highway project development, Transit-Oriented Development, Express Toll Lanes, and many policy initiatives and legislative task forces over her 26 years with MDOT. She is leading the development of the Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan, as well as the other components of the Governor’s Annual State Report on Transportation and Maryland’s Commuter Choice Program. Michelle holds an MA in City and Regional Planning and a BS in Civil Engineering.
Susan Sharp
President & Partner,
Sharp & Company
Susan is the founder and president of Sharp & Company (S&CO) and the intellectual architect of the firm’s deep capacity for bringing public perspective and engagement to transportation initiatives. She broke new ground when she launched S&CO, bringing unprecedented levels of thought, strategy, care, and creativity to projects that really matter to stakeholders and communities. Susan draws on more than 35 years in communications and marketing, from high-level strategy to digital and print media, information architecture, graphic design, and just about any kind of writing you can imagine. Susan holds a BA in Graphic Design.
Emily Aro
Social Media Wizard,
Sharp & Company
As a Marketing Specialist for Sharp & Company, Emily champions clients on a range of transportation communications fronts, from employer outreach to event planning, social media, email marketing, and community building. With a strong background in geo-targeting and her marketing savvy, Emily specializes in digital media, research-based marketing, and analytics-based paid promotions. Emily holds a Bachelor’s degree in marketing and works with S&CO clients at the local, state, and federal levels.