Watch a discussion about post-pandemic recovery, the surface transportation bill and how agencies can prepare!
As Congress and the Administration work toward reauthorization of the federal surface transportation program, the transportation community finds itself in a time of significant upheaval marked by a growing recognition that inclusive and meaningful public involvement will be critical to successful transportation investment decisions. This webinar is a primer to help agencies prepare a winning strategy.
The transportation community faces several mounting areas of public attention and concern, including a growing recognition that historically, transportation investments have in many areas contributed to the disenfranchisement of communities of color and lower income populations. Meanwhile, as the nation continues to reopen from historic COVID-19 restrictions, Americans are eager to travel again. Growing traffic volumes are paired with new patterns and behaviors amongst communities, resulting from seismic shifts in working from home and attitudes towards public spaces and active transportation modes. This session will explore these and many other factors that are putting a spotlight on deep and meaningful public involvement.
Join us for an in-depth discussion featuring transportation leaders and public involvement experts. Lloyd Brown, former Director of Communications and Marketing at AASHTO and now Senior Strategic Communications Consultant at HDR, and Julie Lorenz, Secretary of Kansas DOT, will explore the themes driving transportation infrastructure discussions in Washington. Discussion topics will include economic recovery; equity, diversity and inclusion; climate change; active transportation; and public involvement case studies and techniques.
This webinar will explore how an authentic public involvement effort can better position transportation agencies to meet the needs of their communities during this time of transportation innovation and renewal.
In this webinar, we will explore:
This virtual event highlighted a lot of key points on how public engagement will have to change as a result of the pandemic.
The two leaders who spoke on the panel seemed pretty knowledgeable about transportation and were engaging. It was interesting to hear the best ways to get meaningful engagement from the public on transportation issues.
Excellent slides and relevant examples! I really enjoyed listening to your presentations and the dialogue.
Round of applause for the presenters and your team for organizing this event!

Lloyd Brown
Senior Strategic Communications Consultant,
Lloyd Brown was the director of communications and marketing for the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). He has since joined HDR as a senior strategic communications consultant helping to advance the focus on helping clients across North America manage communication and engagement on large infrastructure projects. He joins a rapidly growing group of over 140 strategic communication practitioners. Brown also is a member of the Transportation Research Board’s Standing Committee on Public Engagement and Communications and advises the Communications Coordinators Council.

Julie Lorenz
Secretary of Transportation,
Kansas DOT
Julie Lorenz was appointed by Gov. Laura Kelly in January 2019 to lead the Kansas Department of Transportation. With more than 25 years of experience, she is recognized as a national leader in the areas of policy development, collaboration and scenario planning. Previously, Lorenz directed national engineering firms’ strategic consulting and public engagement services for transportation projects at the local, regional and national levels. She currently serves on the Executive Committee of the Transportation Research Board and chairs the Council on Aviation for the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
Thank you to our webinar sponsors!
Educational credit available through the APA.