Discover how you can involve 1000s of residents of all ages for your next transportation plan.
Is traditional public involvement getting old? While transportation matters to residents of all ages, few attend public meetings. That’s why Michigan DOT went online to engage the broader public when it began working on a completely new state long range transportation plan (SLRTP).
Times are changing, find out how Michigan DOT and WSP joined forces to engage 6,300 people to uncover their evolving transportation priorities for the Michigan Mobility 2045 SLRTP. Shane Peck, Anita Richardson, Brad Sharlow, and Kyle Haller share what they learned about public preferences for modal tradeoffs, infrastructure investments, intelligent technologies, and transit.
What You’ll Learn:
“The presentation was really well put together. I really enjoy when a presenter is able to get to the key takeaway first then dive into the specifics of that takeaway. Well done.”
“Great suggestions for thinking outside the box when it comes to public engagement.”
“This was a very helpful and insightful presentation. It provided good evidence on the effectiveness of online community engagement.”

Bradley Sharlow
Supervisor, Urban Travel Unit, MDOT
Having served MDOT for 16 years, Brad Sharlow is currently Supervisor for the Urban Travel Analysis Unit and project manager for the 2045 MDOT state long-range transportation plan. He previously worked as project manager for the 2040 MDOT SLRP reaffirmation and served as Congestion Management Specialist for MDOT. He has worked on model coordination teams with the SEMCOG and Flint MPOs and facilitated the Transportation Technical Committee. Brad also served in multiple capacities with the City of Perry. Brad holds a Master in Urban and Regional Planning from Michigan State University.

Anita Richardson
Public Involvement and Hearings Officer, MDOT
Anita Richardson certifies that MDOT hearings and involvement, both in-house and with consultants, meet federal standards. She customizes MDOT programs and plans and is currently leading the participation strategy for the Michigan Mobility 2045 SLRTP. Anita earned an M.A. in Applied Communications and a B.A. in Mass Media Communications from the University of Michigan-Flint. With 20+ years in her field, including 11 years at MDOT, Anita has expertise in developing and implementing media and organizational communications strategies, consulting contracts, knowledge management, and cross-sector collaboration.

Kyle Haller
Transportation Planner,
Kyle Haller, AICP, is a transportation planner at MDOT, where he currently serves as the deputy project manager for the state long-range transportation plan, Michigan Mobility 2045. He is involved in MDOT public and stakeholder engagement efforts and is the project manager of a statewide transportation survey of Michigan residents. In his varied roles, Kyle works to combine traditional and innovative techniques to improve MDOT’s transportation planning process. Kyle holds a Master of Urban Planning degree from Michigan State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science and Planning from the University of Michigan-Flint.

Shane Peck
Deputy Manager Public Involvement Practice, WSP
Shane Peck is leading public and stakeholder engagement for WSP on the Michigan SLRTP. He is Deputy Manager of WSP’s national Communications and Public Involvement Practice. Shane previously led public outreach on the $1.2 billion Huey P. Long Bridge Widening in New Orleans and was primary author of the AASHTO Communications Guide for State Departments of Transportation. Shane has 25 years of experience in public relations, including six years leading communications for the Missouri Department of Transportation.
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