Learn how consultants get plans approved and win clients with great public participation!
Online surveys are a critical tool in the consultant’s public engagement toolbox, and increasingly, agencies are expecting MetroQuest to be included in your bids. Why? They’ve seen so many others engage 1000’s of participants and collect 50,000 to 200,000 data points to support their plans.
Choosing the right tool is a good start, but there’s a formula for great engagement. This webinar explores real success stories from consultants to learn how they used MetroQuest to raise their public engagement game. You’ll take away the key success factors to replicate their exceptional results – unprecedented levels of participation, informed public input, and actionable results to support their plans.
Watch this webinar to learn just how WSP, Michael Baker International, VHB, Kimley-Horn and dozens of other firms nationwide have consistently achieved outstanding public participation … successfully building broad community support and giving elected officials the confidence to approve great urban and transportation plans.
In 45 minutes, we explore how to:
The best webinar I've participated in. Well done!
Good information and graphics. A very, very well done webinar.
Good speaker, good organization and lots and lots of ideas for increasing public involvement.

Stephen Stansbery
Vice President
“We use MetroQuest on almost all of our projects! MetroQuest offers a universal method for ease of access to the public. I think what’s most beneficial to us is its extreme accessibility and affordability.”

Lorna Parkins
Vice President, Transportation Planning
Michael Baker International
“MetroQuest allows us to very efficiently and cost-effectively get a lot of input – big numbers! That’s good for us and it’s good for our clients. It gives them more confidence to move forward.”

Jamille Robbins
Public Involvement Group Leader
North Carolina DOT
"In 2018, we had unprecedented levels of engagement across multiple projects, including nearly 4,600 survey participants for our State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)”
Thank you to our webinar sponsors!
Educational credit available through the APA.