For agencies and consulting teams looking for cost-effective ways to engage more people and a broader demographic in outreach projects at a variety of scales
Our special guests from the IndyMPO compared and contrasted the innovative outreach they conducted on two projects:
Let’s Talk Transit and the Near North Village Center Plan. One is a multiyear county-wide transit plan and the other a focused mixed-use village center plan.
Taken together they provide a unique perspective about how agencies can involve an unprecedented number of community members to support plans and decisions for a variety of projects at any scale. IndyMPO team members will also share advice for agencies seeking to improve the diversity and effectiveness of their community engagement efforts and talk about the positive difference that broad community support is making as they move forward.

Jen Higginbotham
AICP, Senior Planner, Indianapolis MPO

Taylor Firestine
Planner, Special Projects, Indianapolis MPO

Dave Biggs
Chief Engagement Officer, MetroQuest
Thank you to our webinar sponsors!
Educational credit available through the APA.